Beaming with pride as obstacles are overcome, smile stretching from ear to ear, heart soaring, spirits sailing….doesn’t JOY feel incredible?

Welcome to Spark Joy Tutoring, where these feelings are a common occurrence for students who once struggled but are now soaring.

Is Reading Rough? Homework a Hassle? Writing a Wrestling Match? Math a Marathon? 

You love your child and want the ultimate best for him/her/them. You see your child struggling with school subjects and want to support the learning process. Yet, time and time again, your efforts to try to help result in tears, agony, and frustration—let’s be honest—for you and your child, right? The pressure feels surmounting. Perhaps the word “behind” has been lobbed. You find yourself feeling stressed, overwhelmed, maybe even helpless as your efforts are thwarted. Not only is this situation affecting your parent-child relationship, but you see your child’s spark fade. The light seems to dim, as your child notes the difference between personal scores/abilities and that of classroom peers. Perhaps your light is dimming, as you wonder “Am I doing enough? What else can I do?” Maybe a little outsourcing could be just the thing you need to feel less overwhelmed with it all.

Mama, I see you. I am here to help reignite that SPARK and bring JOY into the learning process for your child and your family.


In our weekly tutoring sessions, I will get to know your child’s interests and learning styles to incorporate into the tutoring process. I will personalize academic goals for your child. Together, we will play games, sing songs, hopscotch, act, create, build, craft, read (yes, read!)...whatever it takes… to not only excel in understanding new concepts, but to also develop an awareness of your child’s strengths, natural proclivities, and talents. I will highlight what tools are available in any given situation to navigate problem-solving, building your child’s toolkit for independent thinking. I deeply believe in the power of play. I see the results in my student’s academic progress, yes, but moreover in their smiles and requests (“Can we do another scavenger hunt?!”). Together, we can SPARK JOY!


1:1 Tutoring: $90/50-minute session

Group of 4: $35/50-minute session

Spark Joy Tutoring will:

  • Bring ease to the education process, by building on your child’s natural style of learning & proclivity for play

  • Enhance your child’s knowledge, personalized to current proficiency levels and goals for systematic, successive progress.

  • Spark joy in learning, as your child enjoys lessons tailored to his/her/their interests

  • Reduce tension, as you reflect on your child’s progress only in comparison to his/her/their starting point, not outside measures

  • Improve family dynamics, as new formats of learning through play are introduced for you to engage in together, homework questions are passed over to me to help teach your child, and your child begins to love learning.

If you’d like to see a glimmer of joy return to  your child’s eye, don’t hesitate to call today.

You can reach me at 805-203-6005 or email at

Success Story

We were lucky to be referred to Ms. Herzog by my daughter’s elementary school teacher. Our situation is unique in that we became Guardians to a little boy who only spoke Spanish and, due to dire circumstances, was not able to attend Kindergarten or 1st grade.  He started 2nd grade not speaking any English and with a pre-K level of education.

Our child needed lots of assistance and, understandably, the school was not able to meet all his academic needs.  Amy reviewed his school work, scores and in addition, did her own assessment to determine where to begin.   She created activities and games to go with the work, which made the learning fun.  Who knew that rounding, place values, decimals, fractions, and equivalents could be made into such fun activities?! For example, we once brought his scooter for a tutoring session where she drew a large mountain with numbers in her driveway to help him understand rounding; ingenious!  We’ve recently integrated reading into our tutoring and are seeing an increased desire by our child to continue reading to surpass his prior reading fluency score; amazing!  Amy’s techniques provide a positive environment where he looks forward to being challenged with new material.  He feels safe to ask questions without the fear of being made fun of.

Ms. Herzog’s patience, love of teaching and encouraging way of guiding her students has made a tremendous difference in our little guy’s life.  It’s not everyday you have your child thank you for taking him to his Tutor.  Not only has Amy helped him academically, she’s also helped him stand tall and be proud of his accomplishments.  He loves his Tutor as do we!

- Anna W.

Let’s Connect!

If you’re ready to see a spark of joy when your child is learning and leaning into life’s playful offerings, let’s get started working together today!

You can reach me at 805-203-6005 or email: