Success Stories

“Amy was remarkable at listening and helping me see the possibilities for creative lessons with my angel boy. We had a very rough experience in public schools with my son, who is autistic, so I found myself homeschooling unexpectedly this year. It was all very overwhelming, to say the least. Amy shared a wealth of ideas for games to play with my son, including ones tailored to his interest in the Titanic. Our brainstorming session opened my eyes to the many ways I can use play in my instruction at home and help engage my son in learning. I highly recommend having Amy in your corner!”

- Natalie K.

“Prior to covid, our 1st grader was diagnosed with vision challenges, and before it could be addressed at school, we found ourselves at home, schooling in a pandemic. We reached out to Amy to help support our daughter getting to grade level and beyond. Very quickly,  we saw results and our daughter enjoyed reading with her personalized instruction.  Amy is motivating and knows how to get the most out of a tutoring session, on Zoom, no less. Our daughter has a blast learning and is thriving. Not only is her fluency and accuracy increasing every session (from 60 wpm to over 130-160 wpm, exceeding grade standard goals!), but also she’s reading independently and voraciously! She genuinely enjoys reading books and has now received several reading awards at school. She is so  proud of her hard work.  Her one-on-one weekly tutoring was the secret sauce to progressing with qualified reading and learning support. Also, Amy maintained her tutoring sessions with our daughter throughout the past 2 summers. I firmly believe the summer gap is where many learning losses occur after so much work during the school year for our children. Amy's work with our daughter's academic life throughout summer & holidays gave her that extra bump to maintain her skills and grow without the illusion of being behind after school breaks.  I finally felt like I was doing more than the minimum with Amy's help and expertise. We will keep our instruction from Amy in place overtime because it works!”

- Shelley S.

“In 2nd grade, our daughter began to realize that she was behind the majority of her classmates in her reading skills. Because of this, she lost her tenacity to learn. She began to withdraw and become easily frustrated with any schoolwork task. When the quarantine shut schools down, we reached out to Ms. Amy for tutoring support. Ms. Amy began to work with our daughter and brought the spark back to her learning! Over the course of the past three years, she’s worked with our daughter on a number of subject areas including reading, writing, note-taking, history, and math. She uses creative methods to teach such as putting poems to song & dance, crafting Egypytian relics and hosting an Egypt Night for families, and speed race games for multiplication. Our daughter no longer focuses on what she cannot do, but is proud of the progress she has made and excited to learn more! Ms. Amy connects and encourages our daughter and has improved not only her reading skills but her confidence in herself and her ability to learn and grow without comparing to the other students. Ms. Amy is our SHERO!”

- Jennifer S.

“Amy's enthusiasm and care for her students shines through, even on a zoom book club! My daughter & I enjoyed the experience so much. The book we read, Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, was very engaging and Amy let all of us take turns reading aloud, if we wanted to. She'd often pause to discuss words the kids might not know meanings of and to dive deeper into what the characters were going through and perhaps feeling. It was enlightening to hear how her students related to the story. Amy gently encourages everyone's expression and responds with enthusiasm and kindness. By the end of the book we were all ready for the next one. I would definitely recommend book club with Amy!”

- Heather S.

“Book club was so fun! Ms Herzog would read each character with a different voice which made it so fun to listen to her read aloud. We always had interesting discussions and it was fun to share a book with friends—whether on zoom or in the same room!”

- Amelia C. (Participant from ages 6-10 years old)

“We were lucky to be referred to Ms. Herzog by my daughter’s elementary school teacher. Our situation is unique in that we became Guardians to a little boy who only spoke Spanish and, due to dire circumstances, was not able to attend Kindergarten or 1st grade.  He started 2nd grade not speaking any English and with a pre-K level of education.

Our child needed lots of assistance and, understandably, the school was not able to meet all his academic needs.  Amy reviewed his school work, scores and in addition, did her own assessment to determine where to begin.   She created activities and games to go with the work, which made the learning fun.  Who knew that rounding, place values, decimals, fractions, and equivalents could be made into such fun activities?! For example, we once brought his scooter for a tutoring session where she drew a large mountain with numbers in her driveway to help him understand rounding; ingenious!  We’ve recently integrated reading into our tutoring and are seeing an increased desire by our child to continue reading to surpass his prior reading fluency score; amazing!  Amy’s techniques provide a positive environment where he looks forward to being challenged with new material.  He feels safe to ask questions without the fear of being made fun of.

Ms. Herzog’s patience, love of teaching and encouraging way of guiding her students has made a tremendous difference in our little guy’s life.  It’s not everyday you have your child thank you for taking him to his Tutor.  Not only has Amy helped him academically, she’s also helped him stand tall and be proud of his accomplishments.  He loves his Tutor as do we! “

- Anna W.

“I was so impressed with Amy and her Gingerbread Workshop. Amy thought of every important detail to make this fun, entertaining, and delicious for the kids. She had so many activities throughout the workshop which kept the children engaged for 3 hours straight. Most importantly, Amy is kind and loving. The kids felt so comfortable with her even after only meeting her that day!”

- Kara H.

“The holidays can be a tricky time of year. Countless holiday parties to attend, gifts to purchase, and most babysitters return home to spend time with their families. When Amy Herzog announced her Holiday in-home party, our family JUMPED at the chance to book her! She tailored her 4 hour party with my children in mind. Fun food projects, crafts, holiday decor and more! Not only is she a mom, but an educator who understands the importance of expression. My kids LOVED having her in our home, creating memorable experiences and crafts. We will certainly utilize her personalized parties in the future!”

- Megan M.

“We hired Amy to facilitate a holiday party at our home for our 8 year old daughter and 5 of her classmates.  Amy brought all the fun activities, food, decorations prepared and ready to go to engage the girls in 3 hours of fun and connection.  Amy is enthusiastic and clearly enjoys herself in her work.  Amy is able to engage in fun with the children while also holding boundaries and redirecting the children to ensure that all participate and are kind to one another in the process.  This is an incredible skill that she embodies and brings to all of her engagement with children.   In addition to all of this, she managed to leave everything clean and spotless and left with all of her supplies for the next round of fun.  Mary Poppins comes to mind… a bag of fun, a bright spirit and a kid magnet. We love Amy and can’t wait to set up another event with her in the future.”

- Elisabeth G.