Want Your Child To Discover the JOY of Reading?

You laud books as the magical thoroughfares of mindblowing mysteries, hallowed histories, fascinating fantasies, and ever so much more. If only you could rally your child to crack a book open!

With today’s fast-paced, entertainment-based pop culture, reading has quite often taken the back burner in our lives. Yet, reading can be such a faithful companion through all of life’s ages and stages. 

Why Read?

It’s …

Easy to grab & go
Empathy building
Exercise for the mind

Reading Is FUN! – Time Travel, Explore People and Places You’ve Never Seen, Laugh!, Discover Things Through Delightful Descriptions, Dialogue With Others About What You’ve Learned.

There’s so many rich benefits to joining a community of readers in a Book Club, particularly one led by a teacher who ADORES kids and reading! Want to know more? Click below for a pdf on the benefits of book clubs and how to launch one.

Grab 3–5 Friends & Let’s Get Cracking!

“BOOK” with me today!

805-203-6005 or email at amy@sparkjoytutoring.com

“During the pandemic, we devised a book club to do “deep dives” into several books in parallel with the materials assigned by the school.  This was incredibly rewarding for both of our sons (2nd & 4th graders) and showcased the opportunity to really develop ideas and concepts more profoundly than is traditionally possible.  Ms. Herzog’s model was adaptable to different grade levels (both children reading the same book but at different levels) and was scalable to include multiple other students (as would be expected in a classroom).  The children absolutely loved this time and, as a parent, I can see that her lessons transcended the immediate material to other areas of their education.”

- Juna K

Book Club Rates

(4) 1 hour-long sessions/month:

  • 4 students: $100/month per student

  • 5 students: $90/month per student

  • 6 students: $80/month per student

(4) 1 ½ hour-long sessions/month:

  • 4 students: $150/month per student

  • 5 students: $135/month per student

  • 6 students: $120/month per student

“Amy's enthusiasm and care for her students shines through, even on a zoom book club! My daughter & I enjoyed the experience so much. The book we read, Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, was very engaging and Amy let all of us take turns reading aloud, if we wanted to. She'd often pause to discuss words the kids might not know meanings of and to dive deeper into what the characters were going through and perhaps feeling. It was enlightening to hear how her students related to the story. Amy gently encourages everyone's expression and responds with enthusiasm and kindness. By the end of the book we were all ready for the next one. I would definitely recommend book club with Amy!”

- Heather

Grab 3–5 Friends & Let’s Get Cracking!

“BOOK” with me today!

805-203-6005 or email at amy@sparkjoytutoring.com