Behind? Begone!


Conference week is upon us again, and I have no doubt, many parents are about to hear the following words, “Your child is behind in ______.” What does this do to your nervous system? Heart rate increases, skin gets sweaty, mind starts reeling like a hamster stoked on its new hamster wheel? At midnight, no less? What should you do? Where have you gone wrong? How could this have happened? And why is this the first you’re hearing of it, anyways? 

Tension rises. Stress clutches. Fear grips. 

Welcome to the Parent Trap. 

Perhaps it’s what’s led you here. (#sorrynotsorry) I’m genuinely sorry that you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and deeply concerned, but I am SO glad that you’ve come right here. I hope you will find this the perfect place to lay your burdens down. It is my hope that, together, we can set you (& your child) FREE! 

Zoom out with me, if you will. 

Let’s take a broad, sweeping look at life. Perhaps even time travel to a few centuries ago, when life was not industrialized. What was life, but survival? All of life centered around this premise. One must learn how to get food, shelter, safety, and even entertainment from the elements of the earth. Every single task necessary for survival was taught in daily mentorship or trial and error. ALL of life was (& is) learning, was it not? 

Life is learning. It is a vast, endless journey from what we know presently to what we don’t know YET. 

The Quarantine that took place over the past few years has had a massive impact on our society. The educational system underwent dynamic shifts. Some were positive, many were not. Education was jilted to the core. With such varying degrees of student engagement on Zoom, children’s access to foundational educational principles was quite disparate. Of COURSE the outcome was immensely diverse. 

State Standards are in place to guide instructional practice regarding what we teach at each grade level and to gauge student achievement. However, what I personally have been surprised by is that once schools reopened we missed the opportunity to revise these benchmarks, given that two years of student engagement was dynamically altered and no longer fit the prior norms. Money was thrown at intervention to help get kids back up to speed, so to speak. But, from what I witnessed, classroom instruction carried forth at the same starting point and rate as before, regardless of the gaping losses in foundational instruction. 

And now administrators, teachers, parents, and students are undergoing profound stress because, for some reason (hmmmmm), kids are not performing academically like they “used to”. 

Pssst: lean in. I have an idea to whisper to you. 

Can we just agree to drop this notion of “behind” right now? Will you link arms with me in celebrating all that your child & family have survived to get to this day? It hasn’t been easy. It’s been incredibly stressful at times. But here you all are, surviving and thriving after experiencing an epic epedemic! I lay no claim to what that journey looked like for you, but I am so proud of you for getting here! Look at the strides your child HAS made. Does that not just make you beam with pride? (stay right there.) 

Here’s what we’re going to do. 

We’re going to look back at the last few years and remember where your child started out in 2020. Then we can look at where he/she/they started out at the start of the 2022-2023 school year. I bet you see some growth, yes? Of course! You and I? We are here to take note of ALL that growth, thank the teachers for pointing out areas to still grow in, and get to it. But we’re going to step off the “behind” gas pedal right here. We are going to acknowledge the KNOWING that your child embodies at this part of life’s journey and we are going to get to work on what is YET TO BE KNOWN. Your child is PERFECT right now. Today. As is. No amount of stress or pressure is going to make your child learn any more or any faster, am I right? (Do you learn well under duress?Me, either!)  

Let’s get started playing together, getting acquainted with new concepts and approaching new topics in a way that engages and delights your child. The school journey is a long one. I am betting that, since you’re here, you‘re vested in providing the  BEST for your child, and that you’d love nothing more than to see your child engage joyfully in the learning process. Lightening up the load, easing off of the “Behind” gas pedal, and centering on your child’s strengths, achievements and progress will allow ease and joy to be restored.

It starts with you.
It flows to your child. 
May you choose the joyful path today. 
Your child will thank you.

And, please know, you have so much to offer your child. You know the intricacies of what brings him/her/them delight better than anyone else. If time is short or you prefer to have professional support for any reason, I would be so happy to help you on this journey to further support your child’s growth.

With joy,


Turn Homework Frustration Into Fun with Games